Competition and Cooperation in Economics and Social Sciences

PI: Amparo María Mármol Conde

Abstract: The goal of the project is the investigation of decision-making situations with multiple agents, which are common in numerous economic, social and political environments, including strategic and cooperative models, together with resource allocation conflicts. The common feature in the problems we consider is the fact that they extend the classic models to situations in which the information available about the agents’ preferences on the final results is not completely specified. This setting includes models under uncertainty, multi-scenario decision-making, models with social goals, multiple-good sharing problems and, in general, situations where the preferences of the agents can be partially represented by means of vector-valued utilities. The results expected will enable a more profound and realistic analysis of complex decision-making situations, both from the non-cooperative and from the cooperative point of view. Some of the models we will investigate are the natural extensions of our recent research, whereas the tackling of other related topics constitutes a new challenge for the research team. 

Implied entities: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Pablo de Olavide 

iMAT research line:   RL5. Optimization and mathematical programming          


Miguel A. Hinojosa Ramos, Luisa Monroy Berjillos
Ignacio Contreras Rubio
Maria de los Angeles Caraballo Pou, Asunción Zapata Reina
Fco. Javier Blancas Peral
Sebastián Lozano.