RL10. Mathematical Analysis

Group Leader: Manuel D. Contreras


The aim of RL10 is to tackle different problems that fit into the setting of Mathematical Analysis, going from classical problems of special functions to the study of convex functions and passing through complex analysis and operator theory.
We study holomorphic dynamical systems over hyperbolic complex manifolds, properties of spaces of analytic functions and operators between them; special functions as solutions of a special type of bispectral problems; convex geometric analysis (concentration of measure phenomena in highdimensional spaces, extension of classical concepts and results on convex geometry to log-concave functions).


Antonio J. Durán
José Ángel Peláez
Luis Rodríguez-Piazza

Research portfolio:

Convex Asymptotic Analysis
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Measure Theory
    B. Finite dimensional normed spaces
    C. Convex Geometry
  • Application sectors:
    Neuroscience, Psychology, Medical Sciences

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