RL11. Algebra, Geometry and Topology

Group Leader: Luis Narváez Macarro


The goal of RL11 is to deepen the interactions between Algebra, Geometry and Topology, and to address some important current issues in this cluster.
Besides its theoretical nature, this line is strongly connected with the quantum cryptography, where deep theoretical results and techniques are needed.
Our research in the last years has dealt with D-module Theory as a tool in Algebraic Geometry and Singularity Theory; majorations of exponential sums, Galois representations and the Inverse Galois Problem, in the context of Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory; combinatorics; Geometric Group Theory and low dimensional Topology, Homotopy Theory and K-Theory and compact Lie groups.
We have worked on the definition of a new type of L-function that allows to get improved bounds for exponential sums and for the number of points on some varieties over finite fields results, proved a famous open problem in Artin groups and developed a polynomial algorithm for braid combing, among
other subjects.


M.C. Fernández
Ramón Flores
Juan González-Meneses
Clara Grima
Fernando Muro

Research portfolio:

Post-quantum cryptography
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Group theory (Artin groups and related families)
    B. Arithmetic geometry (supersingular elliptic curves)
    C. Almost perfect non-linear (APN) functions over boolean fields
    D.Quantum and classical complexity in problems related to algebraic structures
    E. Computational algebra (Gröbner bases)
    F. Coding theory
    G. Cryptography.
  • Application sectors:
    Security. Error-correcting codes. Resource management.
D-modules and Hodge modules
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Algebraic geometry
    B. Hodge theory
    C. Derived categories
    D. Computational algebra and effective calculations
    E. Hypergeometric systems
    F. Mirror symmetry of families of divisors
  • Application sectors:
    Effective symbolic computation, mirror symmetry in physics, partial differential equations, computation of maximum likelihood estimates
Braid groups and generalizations
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Group theory
    B. Combinatorics in group theory
    C. Geometric group theory
    D. Low-dimensional topology
    E. Algorithmics
    F. Cryptography
  • Application sectors:
    Cryptography, Computation
Computational Methods in Algebra, D-modules, Representation Theory and Optimization
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. D-modules and singularities
    B. Combinatorial representation and invariant theory
    C. Computational Methods in Lie Algebras, Leibniz Algebras and Malcev Algebras
    D. Computational Methods in linear and non-linear Integer Programming
  • Application sectors:
    Computer Science, Complexity of computation, Optimization and control.
Topological data analysis
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Simplicial complexes for point clouds
    B. Persistent homology
    C. Barcodes
  • Application sectors:
    Machine learning, shape retrieval, time series, medicine
Knot Theory
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Low-dimensional topology
    B. Graph Theory
    C. Homotopy Theory
    D. Group Theory
    E. Algorithmics
  • Application sectors:
    Study of DNA, Quantum Physics (via Jones polynomial), Chemistry (structure of molecules).
Algebra, singularities, number theory and applications
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Algebraic Geometry and D-module theory
    B. Singularities
    C. Representation theory
    D. Number theory
  • Application sectors:
    Computer Science, Complexity of computation

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