RL4. Modeling in Transport & Logistics

Group Leader: Juan Antonio Mesa López-Colmenar


RL4 is interested in recent catastrophes and changes in society trends, that pose new challenges to the scientific community. Logistics and Transportation have suffered frequent disruptions, and new mathematical approaches are needed so that implementable solutions are offered to decision makers. Moreover, given the huge number of data provided nowadays, Data Science and Machine Learning are needed for obtaining a precise analysis and forecasting.
Our research in this field covers transportation planning, including network design, line planning, timetabling and resource management; recovering planning for disturbances of transit systems and routing problems.


Elena Fernández
Juan A. Mesa
Francisco A. Ortega

Research portfolio:

Optimization with additional resources
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Mathematical Programming
    B. Exact Algorithms
    C. Heuristics and metaheuristics
  • Application sectors:
    Transportation planning, Production Planning
Sustainable Transportation
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Programming
    B. Mathematical Programming
    C. Exact Algorithms
    D. Heuristics and metaheuristics
  • Application sectors:
    Logistics, Transportation, City planning
Design and optimization problems in complex networks
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Optimization.
    B. Mathematical programming.
    C. Algorithms.
    D. Scientific software.
  • Application sectors:
    Logistics, Transportation, Naval
Geometric algorithms for Musical Information Retrieval and Aerial Robotics
  • Mathematical techniques:
    A. Algorithmics
    B. Computational geometry
    C. Data structures
    D. Operational research
  • Application sectors:
    Robotics, MIR

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