
The knowledge transfer activity of iMAT is managed through our Knowledge Transfer and Technology Transfer services, respectively led by J. Macías and R. Blanquero. Their strategy is twofold: consolidating the existing collaboration with scientific organisations and companies through short answer delays to their requests and top-quality R&D outputs, as well as finding new collaborations.  

At international level, we participate in the European Mathematics-Industry network through our participation in the Spanish Math-In network, of whose Steering Committee R. Blanquero and J. Macías are members.

At national level, we participate in the Spanish Technological Platforms PET MSO-ED and PLANETIC, through several of our research groups. We also have coordinated the study on the socio-economic impact of mathematics in Spain. Its conclusions show the capability of mathematics to sustainably improve production processes and create qualified employment. Also, that 10% of national gross income and 6% of employment in Spain in 2016 were due to the use of mathematics in productive sectors. At present we lead a similar study for Andalusia Region, funded by the  Strengthening Program of Junta de Andalucía.

At regional level, we lead the structuring and implementation of the mathematical technology transfer service in the ongoing IAMAT (Andalusian Institute of Mathematics), in collaboration with the Andalusia Technology Corporation. This action is participated by 25 TT groups (6 led by iMAT) of 6 Andalusian universities. We also have obtained funding for this activity from the regional Strengthening Program.

At local level, we carry on a number of research projects in collaboration with companies in several sectors and TT training activities «To science» and «To industry«.

Contact: Carmen de la Flor (imat@us.es).