Modelización de Orden Reducido de componentes de sub-malla en Métodos de Multiescala Variacional

PI: Tomás Chacón Rebollo

Abstract: This project combines computational fluid mechanics with reduced order modeling with Variational Multi-Scale turbulence models. It has as main objectives on the one hand the precise structural modeling of the closure functions of VMS models. We intend to build order models reduced that allow to obtain precise expressions of the parameterization of sub-grid components  in various VMS models in fluid mechanics. On the other, its applications to the fast resolution of fluid flow models.
From the methodological point of view, we afford the off-line construction of models that accurately incorporate the effects of sub-grid structures. The use of least squares techniques, as well as solving the sub-grid scales equations by spectral techniques, combined with reduced order interpolation, will allow to calculate numerically the closing functions of the models to build.
The project is halfway between mathematics and computing, hence its character is multidisciplinary. Mathematics is used to develop and analyze the models that are two consider. In turn, scientific computing is used to build the models computational contemplated. The transversality of the project is due to its applications, dealing with engineering and architecture, in industrial design and control processes that involve a fluid flow.

Source of Funding: I+D+i  Projects – FEDER Andalusia 2014-2020 Program

Implied entities: University of Sevilla

iMAT research line:    RL1: Modeling of Energy Systems     RL7: Numerical Analysis


Tomás Chacón Rebollo

Daniel Franco Coronil

Isabel Mª Sánchez Muñoz