Modelización de Orden Reducido Orientada al Diseño Eco-Eficiente de Edificios

PI: Tomás Chacón Rebollo

co-PI: Macarena Gómez Mármol

Abstract: World energy needs make it necessary the research in energy saving procedures and renewable energy sources, to contribute to sustainable development. This project is focused on the analysis and structural optimization of courtyards as elements of energy saving in the acclimatization of buildings, as well as improving performance of blades in wind turbines with optimal design of vortex generators (GV), devices that delay the detachment of the boundary layers. With this purpose we propose the development of two basic mathematical tools: Turbulence models of reduced order of VMS (Variational Multi-Scale) type, and approximation of multiparametric function by low-dimensional varieties of tensor functions. The Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) of turbulence will make affordable the detailed analysis of airflow and heat exchange within courtyards, and flow around wind turbine blades, in reduced computational times. The ROM of multiparameter functions will enable the real-time computation of the energy performance of courtyards and GVs, in view of their design and optimization in real time. To calibrate and validate the design of the tool, we will make comparisons between the temperatures obtained by numerical models and simultaneously gathering data in actual  concrete buildings, with different scales and building technologies in their enclosures. So the virtual model will be compared with data from real courtyards to verify proper operation in any geometry within the limits that the study marks. This software will be integrated into the procedure of energy certification of buildings within the Technical Building Code. All this is part of the current approach to reducing energy consumption by buildings, Low Carbon Buildings, overlooking the 2020 horizon.

Source of Funding: Spanish Research Agency

Implied entities: University of Sevilla, University CEU Cardenal Herrera

Partners: University of the Basque Country, University of Bordeaux

iMAT research line:    RL1: Modeling of Energy Systems     RL7: Numerical Analysis


Alejandro Bandera Moreno

Cristina Caravaca García

Tomás Chacón Rebollo

Soledad Fernández García

Macarena Gómez Mármol

Samuele Rubino