Modelos matemáticos para la planificación sostenible de sistemas integrados de transporte público

PI: Francisco A. Ortega Riejos

Abstract: Based on the representation of the problems in terms of mathematical optimization models, the step-by-step construction of the methodological support necessary for decision-making in the layout of rapid transit systems was carried out. The computational experimentation of these abstract models was carried out on laboratory networks, inspired by the real context of the metropolitan area of Seville. The models developed were disseminated in numerous publications produced by the members of the research team.

Source of Funding: FOM/2003/13 [ORDEN FOM/3595/2003, de 9 de diciembre (BOE núm. 306, Martes 23 diciembre 2003, página 45897)]

Implied entities: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha

Partners: Dirección Regional de Cercanías de RENFE, la empresa de transportes urbanos metropolitanos de Sevilla TUSSAM, el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, la Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes de la Junta de Andalucía y la Sociedad Metro de Sevilla

iMAT research line: RL4. Modeling Transport & Logistics


Francisco Alonso Ortega Riejos

Juan Antonio Mesa López-Colmenar

Ángel Marín Gracia

Ricardo García Ródenas