Modelos multicapa no-hidrostáticos relajados y métodos numéricos de alto orden bien equilibrados para flujos geofísicos

PI: Enrique D. Fernández Nieto 

Abstract: The main objective of this project is to introduce new multilayer non-hydrostatic mathematical models for the simulation of geophysical flows such as tsunami waves, storm surges, debris flows, landslides, etc. that can be used to model real-world problems. A relaxation strategy will be used to impose weakly the zero divergence constraint related to the non-hydrostatic pressure. New Well-Balanced high order numerical methods to solve systems of balance laws or nonconservative hyperbolic systems will be developed and analyzed.

Source of Funding: Plan Estatal 2017-2020 Retos – Proyectos I+D+i. Reference: RTI2018-096064-B-C22

Implied entities: Universities of Córdoba and Sevilla

iMAT research line:       RL3. Environmental systems and risk prediction.      RL7. Numerical Analysis.


Enrique D. Fernández Nieto

Juan Manuel Delgado Sánchez

José Garres Díaz

Tomás Morales de Luna

Gladys Narbona Reina