Relaxed non-hydrostatic multilayer models and high-order well-balanced numerical MEthods for GeophysicAl FLOWs

PI: Manuel J. Castro Díaz
co-PI: Carlos Parés Madroñal


Abstract: The main objective of this project is to introduce new multilayer non-hydrostatic mathematical models for the simulation of geophysical flows such as tsunami waves, storm surges, debris flows, landslides, etc. that can be used to model real-world problems. A relaxation strategy will be used to impose weakly the zero divergence constraint related to the non-hydrostatic pressure. New WB high order numerical methods to solve systems of balance laws or nonconservative hyperbolic systems will be developed and analyzed. Finally, HCP and Machine Learning techniques will be developed to improve the computational costs of the models. The overall objective is to develop geophysical flow solvers with improved physical quality able to produce FTRT simulations.

Source of Funding: Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Convocatorias 2018. Proyectos de I+D+i Retos de investigación.

Implied entities: University of Málaga and external collaborators from Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France), Univ. Trento (Italy), Univ. Catania (Italy), ETH- Zürich, University of Turin (Italy) and University of Concepción (Chile).

iMAT research lines:    RL3: Modeling Environmental Systems & Risk analysis    RL7: Numerical Analysis
