Smart distribution grid simulator

PI: Juan Miguel Morales González

Acronym: SAND

Abstract: Smart grid concept revolves around the power system modernization via the Information and Communication Technologies, which leads to a massive transfer of data among the different agents of the power sector. In addition, the active demand participation and the growing infrastructure based on distributed energy resources are key to drastically change (in the medium- or long-term) the paradigm on how the distribution grids are currently operated. Ensuring a resilient, secure, and reliable operation of the smart distribution grids of electric energy while making use of more sustainable and efficient energy resources is nowadays a challenging avenue of research. Therefore, simulating the operation of smart grids in controlled environments is necessary to: 1) analyze its behavior itself and that of the different players with different business models, 2) identify the challenges associated with the operation of the distribution grids from an economical and technical viewpoint, and 3) adopt emerging business models and their regulations. This project aims to develop a simulation platform for a smart distribution grid including the mathematical models able to capture the behavior of the different agents.

Source of Funding: Iberdrola Foundation Funding Programme for Research in Energy and Environment, 2018

Implied entities: Iberdrola Spain Foundation (Fundación Iberdrola España)

iMAT research line: RL1. Modeling of Energy Systems


Juan Miguel Morales

Salvador Pineda

Ricardo Fernández-Blanco

Miguel Ángel Muñoz