Regularidad Matemática

Gilbreath’s conjecture

We consider the sequence of primes in a row. Below we write the differences between them: $$\begin{array}{ccccc cccccccccc} 2&&3&&5&&7&&11&&13&&17&&19\\ &1&&2&&2&&4&&2&&4&&2\\&&1&&0&&2&&2&&2&&2\\&&&1&&2&&0&&0&&0\\&&&&1&&2&&0&&0\\&&&&&1&&2&&0\\&&&&&&1&&2\\&&&&&&&1\end{array}$$ We continue the process by forming a third row, but subtracting the smaller from the […]

Time of crisis

“Adversity makes us wiser; prosperity destroys our appreciation of what is fair.” – Seneca. “We are in a time of crisis”: a phrase that is repeated, perhaps by every human generation. Who are we? Who […]