What’s wrong with logicians?

11 February, 2022 Antonio J. Durán0

The IMUS, with the participation of the Faculty of Mathematics, will celebrate the main day of the Year of Gödel on Wednesday 2 March, with various conferences on his personality and scientific work.   The […]

How Hertz changed the world

11 January, 2022 Antonio J. Durán1

We said in a previous post that when Maxwell’s equations made him think that there were waves related to electricity and magnetism, nobody had yet observed these waves. That would change some twenty-five years after […]

The volcano is sublime

2 November, 2021 Antonio J. Durán0

I am talking, of course, about the volcano that has been overwhelming the inhabitants of the island of La Palma in recent weeks, plunging many of them into ruin and desolation. And yet the spectacular […]