Afternoon walk with the KGB

12 December, 2016 Guillermo Curbera0

It was August 1966 when Steven Smale reached Moscow to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians. These congresses, veritable Olympiads of mathematics, had been held since 1897 at regular intervals of four years (except for […]

A hundred years without Dedekind

18 November, 2016 José Ferreirós0

This year was the 100th anniversary of the death of Dedekind (6.10.1831 – 12.2.1916), a great mathematician who is less well known than he deserves. There have been lectures and celebrations on the subject in […]

Sorcerer’s Apprentices

3 November, 2016 Antonio J. Durán0

The manufacture of the first atomic bombs during the Second World War was a turning point in history, where science and technology had to fight in the ring of ethics. And mathematics was also involved. […]