Short biography

Ana Morales Rodríguez is a tenured professor at Condensed Matter Physics Department of the University of Seville (Spain). After receiving her Ph.D. in Materials Science in 2004 (high–temperature mechanical properties of zirconia/nickel composites for use as solid oxide fuel cells), she joined the University of Seville as assistant professor. From 2005 to 2007 she developed her postdoctoral activity in research stays at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (University of Lyon) in France. Her postdoctoral research focused on fatigue behaviour of fibre–reinforced CMCs. She currently works on ceramics and ceramic composites reinforced with carbon nanostructures, in aspects from processing to microstructural and mechanical characterization (mainly plasticity and fracture). She has participated in 8 research projects and she has authored or co-authored around 30 scientific papers in peer–reviewed materials science journals.

Dr. Ana Morales Rodríguez
Profesora Titular / Tenured Professor
Dpto. Física de la Materia Condensada
(+34) 954 55 60 28