Short biography

Cristina López Pernía graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and holds a master’s degree in Advanced Materials from the Autonomous University of Madrid. In 2017, she joined the group of Mechanical Properties of Solids at the University of Seville as a Ph.D. student after obtaining an FPI grant from the Spanish Government. Her research work was focused on the processing and characterization of zirconia ceramic composites with graphene-based materials (graphene nanoplatelets and reduced graphene oxide). Scientific short stage at the Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary, with the Thin Films Group with Dr. Katalin Balazsi. She obtained her Ph.D. in October 2021. Currently she is performing a post-doctoral stage at the Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials Laboratory, with Prof. Nitin Padture at Brown University.

Dr. Cristina López Pernía
Post-doctoral student