Short biography

Rocío Moriche studied Materials Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Advanced Materials Science and Technology, Materials for Energy and Environment and Surface Engineering (University of Seville). She defended her PhD Thesis entitled «Development of structural health monitoring sensors based on graphene/epoxy composites» on February 2016, with cum laude and international mention. She has been awarded three times for the best academic record in Materials Engineering and has received the Extraordinary Award for the PhD Thesis. Additionally, the National Association of Composite Materials (AEMAC) has granted her with the first award to the PhD thesis related to composite materials. She also was awarded with the 1st award in the EDP University Challenge in 2013. She has carried out short-term research stays at the Queen Mary University of London, Stanford University (José Castillejo and Fulbright Program) and University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.

Currently, she is Tenured professor at University of Seville. She has been Associate Professor (2020-2022), Juan de la Cierva Researcher at the University of Seville (2018-2020), and, previously, she held the positions of Assistant Professor (2016-2018) and Training University Lecturer at Rey Juan Carlos University (2012-2016); and Substitute Lecturer at the University of Seville (2012). Currently, her research focuses on the development of nanoreinforced multifunctional composite materials (ceramic and polymer matrix) including manufacturing, processing, structural and microstructural characterization, and testing and analysis of different properties.

Dr. Rocío Moriche Tirado
Tenured professor
Dpto. Física de la Materia Condensada
(+34) 954 55 99 78