Short biography

Carmen Muñoz Ferreiro holds a Ph.D. since October 2023, M.Sc. in Materials Science since 2018, after obtaining her B.Sc. in Chemistry and in Materials Engineering at the University of Seville. She has been part of the PMS group since then, first as a young researcher and then as a Ph.D. student thanks to a predoctoral contract from the University of Seville. Her Ph.D. on «Processing, Microstructure and Properties of zirconia matrix composites with 2D nano materials» was performed at the University of Seville (Spain) and the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon (France), jointly supervised by researchers from both organizations. She has also collaborated in teaching activities at the Condensed Matter Physics department from the University of Seville. Heatshield and Materials Lead in the start-up Orbital Paradigm (2024)

M.Sc. Carmen Muñoz Ferreiro
Post-doctoral researcher
Dpto. Física de la Materia Condensada
Telf: 954 55 99 78