Admission requirements

As established in the agreement signed by the universities participating in the Programme, the admission requirements will be unique for all universities. The Academic Committee will take into account the access requirements and admission criteria generally defined in articles 6 and 7 of Royal Decree 99/2011, as well as other additional requirements and criteria defined below.

The recommended entry profile, which does not require further training, corresponds to the skills and knowledge acquired by those who have one of the following degrees as their entry profile:

  • University Master’s in Electrical Energy Systems, taught at the University of Seville.
  • Master’s in the Integration of Renewable Energies into the Electricity System, taught by the University of the Basque Country.
  • Master’s in Industrial Engineering, taught at the University of Málaga.
  • University Master’s in Energy Engineering, taught at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

With respect to language skills, the recommended enrolment profile must include a proficient level (at least on a technical level) of Spanish and another language (preferably English). The Academic Committee will also take into account the language policy that may be defined by each university participating in the Programme.

In the case of applicants who do not fit the recommended entry profile, but who do meet the requirements of articles 6 and 7 of RD 99/2011, the Academic Committee will study each individual case and classify them in one of these three categories:

  • First-level related profile, corresponding to those who, due to their academic training and/or professional experience, demonstrate that they have skills and knowledge comparable to those of the recommended access profile. The candidates classified under this profile will not be required to undertake any supplementary training.
  • Second-level related profile, corresponding to those who must undertake complementary training to acquire skills and knowledge comparable to those of the recommended access profile and, subsequently, to have access to the PhD programme.
  • Non-related profile, corresponding to those who are unable to access the Doctoral Programme because the profile they present is not suited to the subject matter of the lines of research included in the programme.

The Academic Committee will be responsible for selecting doctoral students from among those who have applied for admission to the Programme and meet the admission requirements. The aspects that will be assessed when making the selection will be:

  • The entrance qualification submitted and the corresponding academic records.
  • The curriculum vitae are evaluated for its relevance to the subject matter of the programme’s fields of research (professional experience, articles published, participation in conferences, etc.).
  • Knowledge of languages.
  • Other merits.

As part of the assessment, the Academic Committee may conduct personal interviews in the cases where it considers it necessary in order to properly assess each applicant. Selection will be made on the basis of the number of places available at each university. The Academic Committee shall have the power to leave places vacant or to create a list of substitutes in each university, where justified.

The number of places available in each of the institutions is as follows:

  • University of Seville: 10
  • University of the Basque Country: 8
  • University of Málaga: 5
  • Polytechnic University of Catalonia: 5