Universidad de Sevilla

Charla en el Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla, 2 de abril de 2024, 11:00

Miércoles, 6 Marzo, 2024

Conferenciante: Vadim Ivanov

Título: Analog Design Methodology and Practical Techniques for Frequency Compensation

Abstract: We will discuss the systematic approach to analog design  based on graphic problem presentation, followed by conversion to the form where every important parameter is controlled by the dedicated feedback loop. Curcuit design is performed from structure using expanded, comparing to common textbooks, elementary cell library. It results in 10-20 circuit variants with final selection by designer’s personal preference. We will also discuss frequency compensation of the circuit comprising multiple feedback loops.

Lugar: Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla, Salón de Grados, 2 de abril de 2024, 11:00.

Short bio: MSEE 1980, Ph.D. 1987, both in the USSR. Designed electronic systems and ASICs for naval navigation equipment from 1980 to 1991 in St. Petersburg, Russia, and mixed-signal ASICs for sensors, GPS/GLONASS receivers, and motor control between 1991 and 1995. Joined Burr Brown, now Texas Instruments, Tucson, in 1996, where worked on the operational, instrumentation, power amplifiers, references and switching, and linear voltage regulators, and where he is currently the Operational Amplifier Technologist. Has 131 patents, with more pending, on analog circuit techniques and authored > 30 technical papers and three books: “Power Integrated Amplifiers” (Leningrad, Rumba, 1987), “Analog system design using ASICs” (Leningrad, Rumb, 1988), both in Russian and “Operational Amplifier Speed and Accuracy Improvement”, Springer, 2004.