Universidad de Sevilla

Jornadas de Orientación Profesional, Noviembre 2020

Viernes, 6 Noviembre, 2020

Dear Students,

In parallel with your scientific training in the PhD Program on Physical Sciences and Technologies, the Academic Committee is in charge of providing some career development guidance. This corresponds to the “Jornadas de Orientación Profesional” that you need to attend to accomplish your training program. In total, you are expected to attend 8h of career orientation. Attending these sessions will complete these 8 hours. Attendance will be therefore controlled.

This year we have organized two different panel sessions:

  1. Technology transfer: from research results to products

November 19, 2020, from 9:30 to 13:30


Different aspects on technology transference will be reviewed. The objective is to consider the transference of research results as a feasible path for professional development beyond PhD. Experiences on the development of innovative products/services/processes and the creation of technology-based stat-ups will be described and discussed.

Confirmed panellists:

  • Juan Martínez Armesto, Chief Technology Transfer Service, VATC-CSIC
  • Laura M. Lechuga, Prof. ICN2-CSIC, co-founder of SENSIA S.L. and BIOD S.L.
  • José Ignacio Morales Conde, Director of Crowdworking Space El Cubo, Telefónica
  • María Ángeles Martín Prats, Prof. Univ. Sevilla & President of Skylife Engineering
  1. PhD graduates in industry: postdoctoral career development

November 26, 2020, from 9:30 to 13:30


The professional career of a PhD graduate in industry will be reviewed: what is the role he/she has in the company? how does the company value his/her doctoral training? what are the most wanted skills? This time we will listen to industry practitioners revealing interesting details of their postdoctoral experience.

Confirmed panellists:

  • Erik Fernández Escudero, General Manager INEUSTAR
  • Itziar Maestrojuán Biurrun, CEO ANTERAL
  • Manuel Domínguez Álvarez, CDO ALTER Technology
  • Adriana Gil Gil, International Programme Advisor, CSIC

Both panels will have the same format. The panellists will introduce themselves and will point out what in their view are the most relevant aspects of the topic. After that, we will discuss together these aspects and try to answer all questions.

We hope that you enjoy these sessions and participate in this fundamental aspect of your training program.

The Academic Committee of the PDCyTF