Dissertation reading procedure

The Doctoral Programme in Education establishes that in order to authorise the defence of the doctoral dissertation, it is necessary to accredit the publication or admission of an article in a journal indexed at least in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index).

Regarding the authorship of the articles, no more than two signatories (advisor and doctoral candidate) or more than three signatories (in the case of a co-advised dissertation, the two co-advisors and the doctoral candidate) may appear.

In case the article is signed only by the Ph.D. student, the Universidad de Sevilla must appear as the institution to which the signatory belongs.

Students in the doctoral programme must identify themselves as members of the Universidad de Sevilla in their articles. In the case of belonging to another institution, it may appear next to Universidad de Sevilla.


In the Rules for Doctoral Studies of the Universidad de Sevilla (Agreement 6.1/CG 23-7-19),[1] chapter 7, section 1, allows for a Dissertation format consisting of a compendium of publications. This modality is defined in Article 62 in the following terms: The doctoral dissertation may consist of the regrouping of research papers published by the doctoral student in relevant scientific circles within their field of knowledge in a dissertation that gives them unity. In addition to the publications, the doctoral dissertation must necessarily include an introduction justifying the thematic unity of the work presented, the goals to be achieved, an overall summary of the results, a discussion of the results and the final conclusions.

Accordingly, the Doctoral Academic Committee of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the Universidad de Sevilla establishes for its Doctoral Programme in Education, as a possible format for the presentation of Doctoral Dissertation, the Dissertation format consisting of a Compendium of Articles or Books published or accepted by journals and/or specialised and prestigious publishers, as long as they are the result of the research activity carried out by the doctoral student. For this purpose, in order to guarantee the quality and validity of these dissertations, the following procedure is established.

1. Authorisation.. The presentation of a dissertation consisting of a compendium of publications must be authorised by the Executive Committee of the International Doctoral School (EIDUS), after a report from the dissertation advisor and the tutor and the approval of the Academic Commission of the programme.

2. Processing, number and type of publications, authorship, etc. At the time of the application for the deposit of the Dissertation compendium, the doctoral student must comply with the assumptions established in Art. 62.2 of the U.S. Rules for doctoral studies, which establishes that "the set of projects must consist of a minimum of THREE contributions published or accepted for publication, at least two of which must be in media considered suitable according to the evaluation criteria published by the CNEAI". Art. 63.1 establishes that the doctoral candidate "should preferably be the first author of the publications or be the second, provided that the first signatory is the advisor and that the doctoral candidate specifies what their scientific contribution has been, which must be certified by the advisor".


a) The publication of a minimum number of publications is required at the start of doctoral studies. The accepted indexes are:

i) At least TWO in JCR or SJR Magazines

ii) The third publication can be

- at least one article indexed in the ranking of scientific journals with FECYT quality seals,

- a book or chapter book published by prestigious publishers according to B105 among the first quartile for Spanish publishers or in the first or second for foreign publishers..

b) The doctoral student must be the first author of at least two of the contributions submitted. If they are not the first author, the first signatory will be the advisor and the doctoral student must specify what their scientific contribution has been, which must be certified by the advisor.

Publications of works not related to the doctoral dissertation project, or works in the form of abstracts, opinion articles, journalistic commentaries or introductions will not be accepted as valid contributions.

In the case that the contribution is a book, the doctoral student must appear in the first place of authorship.

3. Documentation to be provided along with the application for the deposit of a Doctoral Dissertation consisting of a compendium of articles.. In addition to the documentation foreseen in the aforementioned Universidad de Sevilla Rules, in the case of doctoral dissertations consisting of a summary of articles, the application for deposit must be accompanied by the following documents: a) Written acceptance with original signature of the co-authors, with which the the doctoral student submits the work and a statement that the doctoral student is the main author of the research contained in the articles. b) Express waiver by the non-doctoral co-authors to submit the work as part of another Doctoral dissertation.

4. Format and style of the Dissertation consisting of Compendium of Publications. Dissertations submitted in the modality of Doctoral Dissertation by copmendium of publications, must attach a document that includes at least the following sections:

a) An initial page specifying that the dissertation is a compendium of work previously published or accepted for publication, the name and affiliation of the authors, the full references of the journal or publisher, the letter of acceptance if they have not been published and the DOI if any of the articles, books or book chapters that are incorporated into the dissertation. Evidence of the quality of all contributions submitted.

b) Next, the authorisation of the advisor or co-advisors for the presentation of the dissertation in this modality, the report of the Doctoral Programme Committee and the authorisation of the Doctoral School of the University for its processing in this modality will be included..

c) A Report (no more than 24,000 words), which must include an introduction justifying the thematic unity of the work presented, the goals to be achieved, an overall summary of the results, a discussion of the results and the final conclusions. This Report must show the coherence of the research from its conception to the conclusions, including its methodological/empirical development and in which the contributions achieved by the articles of the compendium are integrated and explained, the three obligatory articles plus the rest that are contributed as related, regardless of their typology and indexing. If this section is written in a language other than Spanish, a summary must also be provided in Spanish.

d) Next, a complete copy of the original publications that will make up the Doctoral Dissertation (articles, book chapters, book or books accepted or published) must be included.      


