Admission criteria

The general requirements for access to the programme are as follows:

  • Hold a master's degree related to Education Sciences
  • English level B1 or equivalent

Students who meet the following conditions will have preferential access to the doctoral programme, after evaluation by the Academic Committee of the programme:

Students who have completed any of the following degrees:  

  • Graduates in Psychopedagogy.
  • Graduates in Pedagogy.
  • Graduates in Pedagog.
  • Graduates in Social Education.
  • Graduates in Early Childhood Education.
  • Graduates in Primary Education.

And who have completed any of the following Master's Degrees:

  • Master's Degree in Management, Evaluation and Quality of Training Institutions, with a research profile.
  • Master's Degree in Professional Training and Guidance for Employment, with a research profile..
  • Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Quality of Life of Adults and the Elderly, with a research profile.
  • Official Master's Degree linked to Education Sciences from Spanish or international universities, with a research profile that includes at least 10 ECTS credits of training in educational research and having completed a research-based Master's thesis in educational contexts, with a value equivalent to 10 ECTS.

Students who will be required to take additional training courses

The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Education will decide whether to accept applicants who have completed Master's Degrees other than those indicated above, based on the affinity of the Master's Degree they have completed with the subject matter of this Doctoral Programme. If the credits taken in the Master's programme do not include a research profile and competences, students must take the complementary training courses..

  • Admission to the Doctoral Programme of applicants who are not in any of the situations defined in the two previous sections will be decided by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Education based on the adequacy of the training received and its similarity to the subject matter of this Doctoral Programme, provided that the access requirements established by Royal Decree 99/2011 are met. Students must take the complementary training courses defined for this programme.
  • Candidates who have obtained the title of Doctor in accordance with previous university rules or who are in possession of the Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998 of 30 April 30 or who have reached the research sufficiency regulated in Royal Decree 185/1985 of 23 January may be admitted directly or must take the complementary training courses for Doctoral studies established by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme.
  • Candidates in possession of a Master's degree obtained under foreign educational systems. They may be admitted to Doctoral studies without the need for the accreditation (homologación) of the degree and after verification by the Universidad de Sevilla that they accredit a level of education equivalent to the corresponding Spanish Master's degrees, including research training equivalent to that required for other students, and that the degree entitles them to access Doctoral studies in the issuing country. This admission will not imply in any case the accreditation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than that of pursuing doctoral studies. These students may be admitted directly or they will have to take the complementary training courses for Doctoral studies established by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme..