
The doctoral program in Education at the University of Seville represents a coordination effort of different research groups belonging to the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Seville. These groups have long and extensive research experience, have been developing excellent research, and have been organizers of different doctoral programs at our university, as well as in agreements with other foreign universities.

The Doctoral Program in Education responds to a double demand. On the one hand, an indisputable social demand, since research in education has been a reiterated request in our societies. The complex situation that our educational and training systems are going through makes it necessary to carry out a precise analysis generated from basic research that tries to generate a theoretical and empirical body of knowledge, but which can be considered the foundation of subsequent applied research, since its The results can be used to improve the educational system in general, providing data and evidence to guide educational policy and practice.

Both the results of the PISA reports, as well as the data on the high rate of dropout or school failure in our educational system, together with the growing percentage of unemployed people who need training alternatives that allow them professional requalification, make it more than necessary to develop studies and research that contribute lines of development for our country.

On the other hand, one can speak of a real demand. The doctoral programs that have given rise to the current program have generated a high demand for students in the last five years, more than three hundred.

General information on PhD at the University of Seville
