

We have used HTML5 and CSS according to the respective specifications, as indicated by the W3C because we believe that usability and accessibility must have a solid foundation.

We have also strived to achieve an AA level of accessibility as measured against WCAG version 1.0. However, we are aware that a number of the WCAG Priority 3 checkpoints are subjective and although we are confident that we have met them honestly, there may be cases where there may be other interpretations..

Accessibility details

This site has been designed to be fully accessible and usable, in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG v1.0).


Access keys are a navigation device that allows you to navigate this website using your keyboard.

More information on access keys can be found in the W3C Accessibility Guidelines.

Available access keys:

This site uses a configuration that is close in detail to most of the international recommendations on access keys. These are:

  • 1 - Home Page
  • 2 - Contact us
  • 3 - Site navigation tree
  • 4 - News
  • 5 - Focus of the search field
  • 0 - Definition of access keys

Use of accessibility keys in different web browsers

The following are the key combinations required to use the accessibility keys depending on the browser you are using.

  • Internet Explorer 5+ (Windows)
    Hold down the Alt key, press the number or letter of the access key, then release both keys and press ENTER.
  • Firefox < 2.0, Mozilla y Netscape 7+ (Windows)
    Hold down the Alt key and press the number or letter of the access key..
  • Firefox 2.0 (Windows)
  • Hold down the Alt and Shift keys and press the number or letter of the access key..
  • Firefox, Mozilla y Netscape 7+ (Mac OS X)
    Hold down the Ctrl key and press the number or letter of the access key..
  • Safari y Omniweb (Mac OS X)
    Mantenga pulsada la tecla Ctrl y presione el número o letra de la tecla de acceso.
  • Konqueror (Linux)
    Press and release the Ctrl key, then press the number or letter of the access key..
  • Internet Explorer 4 (Windows)
    Mantenga pulsada la tecla Alt y presione el número o letra de la tecla de acceso.
  • Internet Explorer 5+ (Mac)
    Mantenga pulsada la tecla Ctrl y presione el número o letra de la tecla de acceso.
  • Opera 8 y posteriores (Todas las plataformas)
    Hold down the Shift and Escape keys and press the number or letter of the access key..
  • Internet Explorer 4.5 (Mac)
    Access keys are not supported, please use another browser.
  • Netscape 6 y anteriores (Todas las plataformas)
    Access keys are not supported, please use another browser.