Degree information

Lvel: Doctorate

Specific name Doctorate Programme in Education of the Universidad de Sevilla

ISCED 1:Psychology and Educational Science        ISCED 2:

Managing centre: International Doctoral School of the Universidad de Sevilla (EIDUS)

Centre where it is taught: Faculty of Education Sciences

Full or Part-Time Status: Full-time and Part-time

Duration of doctoral studies: According to Article 3.2 of Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January and the rules for doctoral studies at the Universidad de Sevilla (agreement of the Governing Council of 17 June 2011), for full-time students, the duration of studies will be a maximum of three years from admission to the programme until the submission of the dissertation. If the application for the deposit of the dissertation has not been submitted within the three-year period, the committee responsible for the programme may authorise the extension of this period for one more year, which may exceptionally be extended for an additional year.

For part-time students, the maximum duration is established at five years, with an extension for two more years, which, exceptionally, may be extended for another additional year..

Full o Part Times Rules

Languages: Spanish and English
