Dissertation Supervision

Once the candidate has been admitted to the doctoral programme, having presented a letter of endorsement from a lecturer of the doctoral programme to tutor and/or advise their work, they may have the first six months at the request of the doctoral candidate or the lecturer to review this tie.

The tutor lecturer, who is a lecturer of the doctoral programme, will advise the doctoral student during the first year as a doctoral student, especially with regard to the identification of research topics that will allow the assignment of a doctoral dissertation supervisor, if one has not yet been defined. It will also be admissible if the doctoral student has directly contacted the potential advisor(s) and the process of mutual acquaintance has taken place directly, so that the Academic Committee of the programme will be informed for the record.

Doctoral dissertations may be advised by lecturers whose experience has been accredited by fulfilling one of the following requisites:

a) Have at least one six-year period of research activity recognised or, in the case of contracted professors, its equivalent according to the evaluation parameters of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity for the granting of six-year periods in the different fields.

b)  Be or have been in the last five years principal investigator of a research project of the European Union Research Programme, National R&D&I Plan or Excellence Project of the Andalusian Regional Government.

c) Have supervised a doctoral dissertation in the last five years that has obtained the highest qualification and has resulted in at least 2 publications in journals with impact index or an equal number of relevant contributions in their scientific field according to the criteria of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity.
