Prior information system

General considerations on the prior information system for doctoral studies at the Universidad de Sevilla

The Universidad de Sevilla considers it essential for the development of doctoral studies that complete information is available for those who wish to access these studies. Success in attracting students with aptitude and interest and fulfilling the vocation of public service in the third cycle of university studies depends on transparent and effective information on the offer and organisation of these studies. This information should enable potential doctoral students:

  • To obtain information on the structure of doctoral studies, with a perspective not only focused on the Universidad de Sevilla, but also in national and international contexts..
  • To identify the programmes and lines of research that are of interest to them
  • To be informed about the administrative procedures for admission applications, enrolment, conditions for continuing in a programme, and preparation and defence of doctoral dissertations..
  • To provide the contact person who can resolve queries about administrative procedures
  • To provide the teaching and research contact to guide in the selection of programmes and lines..

All information about the doctorate that appears on the University's institutional website will be available in Spanish and English.

Organisation of the institutional information of the Universidad de Sevilla

The Universidad de Sevilla, through the website of the Doctoral Service, informs about everything related to Doctoral studies in the following link::

Information is offered in detail to all users on the rules and training offer (broken down into doctoral programme plans and current lines of research), as well as guidance to students (access, pre-enrolment, enrolment calendar, scholarships and grants, academic and administrative information, etc.) and to the departments in all matters related to doctoral studies. All this information can be found at:

Students and other members of the university community can find information regarding the doctoral dissertation on the following web page. This includes the Universidad de Sevilla's own rules for the Doctoral Dissertation regime, the procedure and forms for the registration and defence of the dissertation, the issuance of the Doctoral Degree, accreditations, International Distinction, etc.

However, based on the new rules governing doctoral studies (Royal Decree 99/2011), the Doctoral Service of the Universidad de Sevilla has updated information on the application of these rules to our context (regulations, training offer, access requirements, documentation, good practices and conflict resolution guide, ...). Thus, references are offered to guide and advise both students and other users within this new regulatory framework. You can find this information at the following link:

Information regarding the development of inter-university and international cooperation initiatives related to doctoral studies will be shared via the link:

By clicking on this link, you will find the rules for obtaining the degree's international distinction and the rules for the doctoral dissertation co-supervision agreements. It will also include the necessary forms for the application for distinctions or joint supervision and drafts of standard agreements for the development of joint supervision agreements.

Doctoral Programme Information System

In relation to the doctoral programme, we understand that public information is the most appropriate resource to facilitate that candidates to join the doctoral programme have all the relevant information in relation to the characteristics and processes of the programme. You can see this information by clicking on the following link:

Initial training needs of doctoral students

Candidates for the doctoral programme in education at the Universidad de Sevilla must have the basic skills that allow them to pose a research problem, read research articles, even in English; capacity for independent and self-regulated work; interest and capacity for inquiry, contact with the educational reality both in and out of school.
