Tutoring computation mechanism

Teaching recognition for supervision of doctoral dissertations

In development of Article 12 paragraph 4 of the Rules for Doctoral Studies of the Universidad de Sevilla (Agreement 7.2/CG 17#6#11) and in order to achieve the verification of the Doctoral Programmes in accordance with Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies, the following IS PROPOSED:

In the preparation of the Faculty Assignment Plans, the direction or co-direction of doctoral dissertations is recognised and accounted for within the director's teaching assignment in the amount of 15 hours per year (1.5 credits) for each of the directed dissertations that have been defended and approved in the two immediately preceding academic years.

A maximum of 30 hours (3 credits) per teacher per academic year will be counted.

In the case of co-direction, these hours will be divided equally among the teaching staff who have assumed the functions of direction..

This recognition will begin to be applied in the Faculty Assignment Plans to the Teaching Organisation Plans for the 2013/2014 academic year and, therefore, will refer to dissertations  defended and approved in the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 academic years.

The tutoring function foreseen in the doctoral programmes derived from Royal Decree 99/2011, when performed by a person other than the dissertation supervisor, will be taken into account for the elaboration of the PAPs to the PODs, recognising within the tutor's teaching assignment one hour (0.1 credits) for each doctoral student and academic year, and this recognition may be applied during the first three years in which the doctoral student is advised..

A maximum of 5 hours (0.5 credits) per tutor per academic year will be recognised for this function.

The recognition will be made in the academic year following the one in which the tutoring work has been performed.

