In this page the current status of several calls will be displayed and any related information. It will show different call status, for instance: open, close, submission dates, links, announce approved proposals, etc. The online form tab will be visible only if there is an open call. You have to login in the right side panel to see the submissions menu.

Past calls:

# Year Date Current status Approved proposals
1 2022 1 to 30 September Closed

Characterization of Si:He solid targets for ISOLDE experiment IS698. Complementing large and small scale facilities

2 2023 1 to 31 January (extended until feb. 15th) Closed

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry determinations of 237Np from seaweed samples 

Emission of weakly bound identical nucleon nuclei

Damage induced by proton beam irradiation of cellulose-based materials 

3 2023 1 to 31 May Closed

116Sn(p,ɣ)117Sb Cross-Section Determination, at Astrophysical Energies, from X-Ray and gamma-Rays Emission Yields

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry determination of 243Am in sediments collected in the vicinity of the Studsvik nuclear facility 

4 2023 1 to 30 September Closed  

Current year:

# Year Date Current status Approved proposals
5 2024 1 to 31 January Closed

Neutron spectroscopy measurements with TENIS 

Test of a new electron-positron spectrometer for X17

Fundamental aspects of the novel Pd-103/Rh-103m in
vivo generator – an exciting new Auger based radiopharmaceutical

Characterization of a set of enriched 208 Pb self supported
targets used in scattering experiment at Nuclear Science Laboratory of the Univ. of Notre

6 2024 1 to 31 May Closed  
7 2024 1 to 30 September Open  

List of future calls:

# Year Date Current status Approved proposals
8 2025 1 to 31 January Future  
9 2025 1 to 31 May Future  
10 2025 1 to 30 September Future  
11 2026 1 to 31 January Future  
12 2026 1 to 31 May Future