Instructions for CLEAR-CNA funding
Nov 2023

- The IP of the research team requesting access to CNA within the EURO-LABS project will
receive from the coordinator the information of the approval of the scientific panel. The
scientific panel will approve the number of user-days and the number of trips to be funded
for the experiment. Based on this, the facility coordinator will decide, in consultation with the
researcher, the maximum amount of funds to be dedicated to the transnational access.
Notice that only funding for researchers not working in spanish institutions are eligible.

- A contact person in CNA will be assigned to each approved experiment that will assist the
research team in the organization of the travel costs. The CNA CLEAR coordinator, Joaquín
Gómez Camacho, will support the CNA contact person in all the relevant aspects.

- The funding of the travel can be carried out in one of two ways:

A) The research team organizes its trip, advancing the money for the travel and
accommodation, and collects all the receipts associated with meals, transports, and other

Once all documents are provided to the CNA CLEAR coordinator, the EURO-LABS IP of the
University of Seville, Manuela Rodríguez Gallardo, will sign and process the claim form.
Then the FIUS (Foundation of the University of Seville) will reimburse the relevant
expenses, in a maximum of two weeks (if all documents are in order).

It is strongly advised that the bill for the main expenses (travel, accommodation, rental car,
fuel), is done in the name of the FIUS . This will allow the recovery of VAT funds that can be
used to fund further experiments.
FIUS (Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla)
Avda. Reina Mercedes, 4C, 1ª planta
CIF: G-91402941

B) The researcher, through the CNA contact person, makes a request to one of the travel
agents authorised by FIUS. The travel agent will book plane tickets and accommodation for
them, for the stated dates. Before the final booking, the staff of FIUS has to authorize
the expense (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). This should be done one month in advance, to
ensure proper funding. Additional expenses, such as meals, etc, should be processed as
indicated in A).

Relevant indications to take into account:

- Each researcher must provide a copy of his/her personal identification (passport or national
identity card), a bank account (IBAN) and some document showing that the researcher is the
account holder.

- The funds should fulfill the limits of the University of Seville. All travels should be carried
out in the basic class.

- The accommodation in Seville should be limited by the published amount of 90 euros per
night (Normativa US, European projects).

- The payments should be done preferably by debit/credit card and the bank movement
should be provided. If the payments are in cash, the tickets should specify this (in Spanish

- The use of own vehicles is not funded (no fuel, no car park, etc). Instead, car rental is

- The receipts (original) to be reimbursed have to be delivered to FIUS. Researchers can
leave these tickets to the contact person in CNA or post to:

Manuela Rodríguez Gallardo
Depto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear (6ª planta)
Facultad de Física, Universidad de Sevilla
Apartado 1065
E-41080 (Spain)