IST website

Instituto Superior Técnico aims to contribute to the development of society, promoting and sharing excellence in higher education in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology. Técnico offers Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes, lifelong training and develops Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities, which are essential to provide an education based on the top international standards.


Research at IST is organised in 23 Centres, being Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (C2TN) one of them. C2TN performs R&D, Advanced Training & Education, Consulting and other Services in Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, being a strategic Unit for the Portuguese R&D and innovation policies in this area.


In the CLEAR consortium, IST offers, through the Laboratory of Accelerators, access to the nuclear microprobe installed in the 2.5 Van der Graaff accelerator, where it is possible to do IBA techniques. It is also possible to perform the analysis under atmosphere or Helium rich atmosphere, thanks to the external beam. The type of materials characterized in the nuclear microprobe is vast and includes, among others: biological, alloys, cultural heritage or semiconductor materials.