9.1.- International Lecturers from the Doctoral programme
International Faculty Members |
Oli Kuivalainen Lappeenrata University Technology |
Jinyu He The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Dorothy Leidner Baylor University |
Wynne Chin University of Houston |
Wagner Kamakura Rice University |
Dwayne Gremler Bowling Green State University |
Barb Flynn Indiana University |
Michiya Morita Gakushuin University |
Roberto Filippini Universita Degli Studi Di Padova |
2.- Co-tutoring of Doctoral Theses
(link: https://www.doctorado.us.es/tesis-doctoral/cotutela-de-tesis)
3.- International Mention of the Doctoral programme
(link: https://www.doctorado.us.es/tesis-doctoral/mencion-doctorado-internacional)