Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería - Universidad de Sevilla

Curso impartido por el Prof. Hanspeter SchaubUniversity of Colorado Boulder

Lunes 26 y martes 27 de 16 a 18 de manera telemática en:


A modern spacecraft attitude control often uses nonlinear 3-axis attitude control strategies.  The 4-part workshop will cover the fundamentals of 1) Dealing with Rotating Frames using the Transport Theorem 2) Basics of attitude description with a focus on the Modified Rodrigues Parameters (MRPs) 3) Nonlinear attitude control development using a frame-agnostic approach 4) Discussion of the Basilisk Astrodynamics Simulation Framework that implements these solutions.  

The control of the spacecraft orientation requires using rotating body-fixed frames.  Unlike the robotics community, with spacecraft all modeling and measurements are done in the body frame.  The Transport theorem allows for a systematic approach to dealing with the complexities of such frames.  The orientation of a spacecraft is often expressed using either 3 or 4 attitude coordinates.  The fundamental challenges of rigid body attitude kinematics are discussed.  A particular focus will be the MRPs which are a minimal 3-parameter description of the attitude.  By switching to their shadow set through a simple analytical mapping, any orientation can be described without any kinematic singularity at the expense of a discontinuous description.  This is equivalent to how the quaternions can be used with 4-parameters to describe orientation, but must switch between both quaternion sets to avoid unwinding issues.  Next these concepts are combined to illustrate how attitude feedback control strategies can be developed.  A brief review of the Lyapunov control theory concepts is following by a spacecraft centric control development using MRPs.  Finally, the open-source Basilisk Astrodynamics Simulation Framework is discussed.  The modular architecture contains the earlier developed tools and has been used to model a range of spacecraft missions, including a recent Mars mission.

Breve CV:

Currently a full professor at the University of Colorado holding the Glenn L. Murphy chair. Dr. Schaub is advising 14 Ph.D students and 11 Master level graduate students in the areas of spacecraft autonomy, attitude dynamics and control research, spacecraft proximity flying, charged spacecraft motion, space debris mitigation, redundant attitude control using momentum exchange devices, touchless despinning of space objects, and visual servo control of unmanned vehicles. Has graduated 69 master level and 21 doctoral students to date.