Authors can send their presentations by the following dates:
- Before March 30, 2016 (inclusive) the text of the communication with a maximum of 10 pages. Submissions should be sent following the rules established through the following templates:
To present a presentation, it is necessary to be registered for the Conference (onsite or virtual) and fees must be paid. All contributions will be subject to review by the scientific committee, sent through email, which will also provide the result of the same.
It would be advisable that contributions corresponded to partial or final products of a study, research, or good practices that have been developed on any of the themes associated with the event (ICT in Early Childhood Education). Products of reflection or forming part of the thematic review process of research will also be valid, as long as they are always consistent with the theme of the Conference.
Contributions may have up to three authors, and each author will contribute as co-author in a maximum of 2 papers.
To facilitate dialogue among attendees of the Presentation Tables, it will not be necessary to use any electronic filing, but through the Coordinator of the Table, who will call upon those involved to highlight the most significant aspects of the work presented. Followed by a discussion among all, including the audience in each room.
Rules for presentations:
- Contributions presented at other conferences or magazines will not be accepted.
- They should follow the guidelines set by the Conference.
- Works that have been received during by the set deadlines will be accepted.
- The contributions will follow the format template created by the Conference.
- All work must be sent in ODT or DOC format, no other formats will be accepted.