Epitaph of Badia

Epitaph of Badia

Epitaph of Badia


  • Idno filename 22/01/0043
  • Type of inscription: Sepulcralis
  • Lost


  • Place of discovery: From Córdoba.
  • Geolocation
  • Location with Modern Nomenclature España / Córdoba
  • Location with Old Nomenclature Hispania / Baetica / Cordubensis / Corduba


  • Inscription's dating: From year 199
  • Dating explanation: From the formulae D(is) M(anibus) and p(ius) i(n) s(uis), characteristic of the funerary epigraphy of Córdoba, the proposed dating could be from the 2nd c. AD on.

Type of verse

  • Type of verse: Dactílico (pentámetro)
  • Verse/line correspondence: No
  • Prose/verse distinction: Si

Epigraphic edition

D(is) ▴ M(anibus) ▴ s(acrum)

Badia ▴ ann(orum) ▴

LVIII ▴ pia ▴ in su-

is ▴ h(ic) ▴ s(ita) ▴ s(it) ▴ t(ibi) ▴ t(erra) ▴ l(evis)

5       tu qui stas et le-

ges ( !) titulum ▴ me-

um ▴ lude iocari ( !)

veni ❦

Text divided into verses and metric signs

Tu qui stas et leges titulum meum: ll|ll|wl|wwl|w~

lude, iocari, veni. lww|lww|~


“Dedicated to the Manes. Badia, fifty-eight years old, dutiful to her own, lies buried here. May the earth rest lightly on you. You who stand there and read my inscription: enjoy, play, come”.


Baca Alfaro apud Vázquez Venegas s. XVIII, XI, 271r. et 280r. (inde Hübner, II 2262 [inde Bücheler, CLE ad 1500; Cholodniak 1904, 1283; Vives, ILER 3799]; Stylow, II2/7, 426; Martín Camacho, CLEB ES, CO6, qui in linguam Hispanicam vertit); Cugusi 2012, 30. – Cf. Mariner 1952, 19, 197; Hernández Pérez 2001a, 87 adn. 362. 266. 269–270. 286 adn. 1060; Gómez Pallarès – del Hoyo – Martín Camacho 2005, 248–249.


3 h · s · e · s · t · t · l · Hübner errore. – 5–6 legis Cholodniak. – 7 iocare Hübner emendavit.


A mixture of attempts at iambic and dactylic verse based on common expressions in Latin
metrical epigraphy: ll. 5-7, tu qui stas et leges titulum meum ( ll|ll|wl|wwl|w~), five feet of an
incorrect iambic senarius (without a caesura and the fifth foot is iambic), originally from dactylic
metre: cf. CLE 1083, CLE 1084; on other occasions it appears well adapted to an iambic scheme,
cf. CLE 125,1; CLE 1542. Ll. 7-8, lude, iocari, ueni (lww|lww|~), half of a pentameter with only
one mistake, the incorrect form of iocari with long “i” instead of iocare with short “e” (possibly a
mistake in textual transmission). Ll. 5-7: a commonplace to address the reader of the inscription
in epigraphical poetry. Ll. 7-8: asyndetic listing, where the deceased encourages the reader to
enjoy life before the inevitable arrival of death, cf. MA3; CA11; BA15; the source is apparently
the well-known epitaph to Sardanapalus, cf. Athen VIII 336a. Cf. also Liu. Andr. Carm. frg. 41
(ed. Morel 1910), Plaut. Mil. 676-677, Hor. Epod. 2,2,214-5: lusisti satis, edisti satis atque
bibisti, or Varr. Men. 87 (ed. J.P. Cèbe, 1972).

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  • Author:J. Martín Camacho
  • Last Update2024-01-31 16:49:55

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