Types of search

The researcher will have the option to perform simple and advanced searches. In simple searches, the researcher may choose to restrict the object of the search to Latin text or to all fields. In the advanced searches, the database offers very diverse options, so that the researcher can select the specific fields to which he wants to restrict his search: geography, material, support, type of inscription, chronology and/or specific text, and he can also limit his search to the field of the edition of the Latin text.

Within the Search option, all the possibilities are detailed to facilitate the task for the users.


Information provided for each inscription

The search engine returns the list of occurrences, showing, in each case, the image and brief information: origin, type of verse, chronology and part of the Latin text. The user, by clicking on each result, will access the following information:

– Basic bibliographic reference

– Material description, including:

o Type of inscription

o Type of support

o Details about the material

o State of conservation

o Measurements (always in cm)

o Details related to the ordinatio and the epigraphic field

o Details about its place of conservation, if any

– Typeface, measurements and description

– Details about its current location, if any

– Chronology

– Type of verso

– Epigraphic edition

– Text divided into verses and with punctuation marks

– Spanish translation

– Abbreviated bibliography

– Critical apparatus

– Commentary

– Images, if any

– Links to other databases

– Authors of the record

– Date of autopsy

– Option of downloading the complete record in XML EPIDOC


How to name each entry

After any search, the user will receive a list of results. Each of them has a name consisting of one or two letters, which correspond to the origin, and a digit that can reach three digits in some cases. Specifically:

– In the Hispania material, the letter is the initial of the province (proceeding to disambiguation by adding a second), for example, MA = Malaga, M = Madrid, T = Tarragona, TO = Toledo, etc. The numbers are correlative, starting with 1: SE18, BA1, CO23, etc.

– In the Gaulish material, the initials correspond to the four medium-scale geographical divisions: A = Aquitaine, B = Belgium, L = Lugdunensis and N = Narbonensis. Such abbreviations are followed by a number of up to three digits, e.g., L001, N024, A015, B031.

– For the CLEs of Britannia, of which there are 24, the abbreviation BR is used followed by a correlative digit from 1 to 24: BR1, BR2, etc.

In each record, in addition, there is a field called Reference, in which the most relevant editions are identified. For example, in the case of SE18, Reference CIL II2/ 5, 1074; SE1, Reference CIL II, 1088; CLE 541; etc.


Diacritical marks used in text editing

// Separation between letters that are not engraved on their own line.

+++ Remnants of letters so corrupted that they cannot be read.

a ▴ b Interpunctuation.

❦ Hedera.

á é í ó ú Vowels with apex.

ì I longa.

⁽abc⁾ Letters joined by nexus or embedded.

abc Fragmentary letters whose dubious reading is confirmed by the context.

abc Currently missing letters that other previous editors were able to read.

[abc] Restoration of text lost through breakage or deterioration.

a(bc ) Development of abbreviation and standardized vulgar form.

(!) Warning about vulgar or evolved form.

{abc} Letters added in the support by mistake and deleted in the edition.

[abc]] Letters in litura that are noticeable.

ABC Unintelligible identifiable letters.

<abc> Letters omitted in error on the carrier, which are added in the edition.

7abc8 Letters corrected in the edition.

‘abc’ Text inserted by old hand.

IV Bars to mark numerals.

1crux2 Image inserted in the inscription and explained in the edition, or development of inverted letters.

(vac.) Surface of the support in the middle of the text, which has not been engraved.

[——] Loss of an entire line.

[—] Loss of part of a line.

—— Loss of an undetermined number of lines.

[5-] Loss of a specific number of letters.

[-ca.5-] Loss of an approximate number of letters.