2and International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling
16 a 19 de junio de 2015
Diversos profesores del Programa de Doctorado GENI organizan y participan el 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling – The Conference for PLS Users (https://www.pls2015.org) celebrado en Sevilla del 16 al 19 de junio de 2015. A este congreso, de carácter mundial, han asistido más de 200 investigadores de una treintena de países de los cinco continentes y se han presentado más de 100 papers sobre diversas temáticas aunque todas ellas con un denominador común, el uso y aplicabilidad de la herramienta Partial Least Square. Además, se desarrollaron dos workshops:
Workshop I: Pre-conference workshop (16 June 2015). It provides a profound introduction to partial least squares (PLS) path modeling. It includes a software tutorial using SmartPLS. There will be two parallel tracks. A track in English, provided by professors Joe F. Hair and Marko Sarstedt. A track in Spanish, provided by professors José Luis Roldán and Gabriel Cepeda Carrión Joe F. Hair will open this workshop with an invited talk.
Workshop II: Post-conference workshop (19 June 2015). It shows how to apply new features of PLS path modeling, such as global goodness-of-fit criteria, consistent PLS, predictive validation testing of models using hold out samples, and new segmentation techniques. Dedicated software implementations will be presented. The post-conference workshop will be held by professors Christian M. Ringle and Jörg Henseler.