
Even though this network was born officially at the end of 2004 when we applied for a grant from the spanish "Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia", we can say that its origin goes back to the "2000 World Mathematical Year" when Dragan Vukotic organized a "Miniconference in Complex Variables and Operator Theory" at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in January and a few days later he also organized a symposium on the same subject in the First RSME Congress which took place at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


Both conferences were about two subjects which are very closely related: on one side the theory of analytic function spaces and, on the other side, operator theory, as well as aspects of other neighboring subjects such as Banach spaces, cyclicity or geometric function theory. The importance and beauty of this Theory, which finds itself at the borderline of distinct disciplines of Mathematical Analysis, resides strongly on the amount of different points of view that can focuss on a particular topic, as well as the amount of different techniques that can be applied and combined together, ranging from real and harmonic analysis to Hilbert and Banach spaces methods, passing thru aspects of hyperbolic geometry, probability theory and others.


One of the main objectives sought after (and finally achieved) when organizing these meetings, was to bring together researchers of distinct groups from a number of spanish universitys, which were actively working on the subjects of the Network.


Since then several similar events have been organized:

  • Pedro J. Paúl and Manuel D. Contreras organized the "Second Miniconference" at the University of Seville in june 2001.


  • Two special sessions on these subjects were organized in the First joint AMS-RSME meeting (Seville, 2003), one was organized by José Bonet, Cora Sadosky and Pedro J. Paúl, and the other by Daniel Girela and Michael Stessin.




  • Fernando Pérez González organized Workshop in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife). February 6-7, 2007.

In a more general setting we should also mention that the "VII Encuentros de Análisis Real y Complejo"  were organized by Daniel Girela in Torremolinos in May-2002,  the "VIII Encuentros de Análisis Real y Complejo" by Óscar Blasco in Gandía in May-2003 and the "XVI Encuentros de Análisis Real y Complejo" by Guillermo Curbera in Carmona in May-2015.


With the organization of all these events, new groups joined the Network and the relation between distinct spanish research groups in the field was becoming closer and closer. This induced us to officially build up this thematic network in the frame of a grant from the spanish "Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia" (acciones complementarias MEC-2004).


The official creation of the Network has motivated the organization of a series of what is being called Schools in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory.