Activities > Schools organized by the network

Winter School in Complex Analisis and Operator Theory
Antequera (Málaga), Spain, February 5-9, 2006.

The first edition of this winter schools took place in Antequera, Málaga, Spain, from February 5th to 9th, 2006.

This school contained three intensive 4-hour courses:


  •    A class of integral operators on spaces of analytic functions by Alexandru Aleman (Univ. of Lund, Sweden).
  •    Dynamics of linear operators by Karl Grosse-Erdmann (Univ. of Hagen, Germany).
  •    Clark measures, composition operators and related questions by Eero Saksman (Univ. Jyväskylä, Finland).


Furthermore, there were 13 invited talks on several topics and also a session on open problems. The assistance was about 60 participants from nine countries.


A "Proceedings Volume" containing extended written versions of the courses was published by Secretariado de Publicaciones of the Universidad de Málaga.

The second edition of the winter schools took place in Seville, from February 5th to 9th, 2008.

In this occasion there were four intensive 4-hour courses:


  •    Negative curvature and complex analysis by Steve Buckley (Nat. Univ. Ireland, Maynooth).
  •    Composition Operators Toeplitz Operators by Joel H. Shapiro (Portland State Univ., USA).
  •    Two applications of the Bergman space techniques by Serguei Shimorin (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden).
  •    Siegel disks by Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (College de France, Paris, France).


Besides, there were seven 50-minute talks and three 20-minute talks on a variety of topics, in the nice atmosphere created by the approximately 80 participants at the event.


A "Proceedings Volume" containing extended written versions of the courses was published in Contemporary Math.

Third Winter School in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. February 2-5, 2010.

The thrird edition took place in Valencia, Space from February 2nd to 5th, 2010.

There were four intensive 4-hour courses:


  •    Notes on real analytic functions and classical operators, by Paweł Domański (Adam Minckiewicz University).
  •    Shining a Hilbertian lamp on the bidisk, by John E. McCarthy (Washington University in St. Louis).
  •    Selected problems in perturbation theory, by Vladimir V. Peller (Michigan State University).
  •    Composition operators on Hardy–Orlicz spaces, by Luis Rodríguez-Piazza (Universidad de Sevilla).



A "Proceedings Volume" containing extended written versions of the courses was published in Contemporary Math.

Fourth School in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. June 12-15, 2017.

The fourth edition of the schools took place in Leganés (Madrid), from February 12th to 15th, 2017.

In this occasion there were three intensive 4-hour courses:


  •    An invitation to the Drury-Arverson space by Nicola Arcozzi (Universita di Bologna).
  •    Condensers, Symmetrization, and applications in Complex Analysis by Dimitrios Betsakos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
  •    The nean value property: old and new by José G. Llorente (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).


In addition there were 11 talks delivered by members of the Networks.