Fellowships > Pre-doctoral fellowships

Pre-Doctoral Fellowships

FPU Pre-Doctoral Fellowships

FPI Pre-Doctoral Fellowships

Pre-Doctoral Fellowships from regional projects

Pre-Doctoral Fellowships from Universities


Phd-Student: María José Beltrán Meneu

Director: José Bonet Solves and Camen Fernández Rosell

Period: 2009-2012

Phd-Student: Jordi Juan Huguet

Director: José Bonet Solves, Camen Fernández Rosell and Antonio Galbis

Period: 2007-2010

Phd-Student: Tanausú Aguilar Hernández

Project: MTM2015-63699-P

Director: Manuel D. Contreras and Luis Rodríguez Piazza

Period: 2017-2021

Phd-Student: Odi Soler

Project: MTM2014-51824-P

Director: Artur Nicolau

Period: 2016-2020

Phd-Student: Ismael Garcia Bayona

Project: MTM2014-50009-P

Director: Óscar Blasco

Period: 2015-2019

Phd-Student: Eva Primo Tárraga

Project: Programa VALi+d (Generalitat Valenciana)

Director: Camen Fernández Rosell and Antonio Galbis

Period: 2014

Phd-Student: Christos Chatzifountas

Project: P09-FQM-4468 (Junta de Andalucía)

Director: Daniel Girela Álvarez and José Ángel Peláez

Period: 2010-2013

Phd-Student: Juan Miguel Ribera Puchades

Project: AYUDA VALI+D FORMACION-RIBERA PUCHADES (ACIF/2011/059) (Generalitat Valenciana)

Director: José Bonet Solves, Camen Fernández Rosell and Antonio Galbis

Period: 2011.

Phd-Student: Juan Miguel Ribera Puchades

Project: AYUDA CONV FPU 2010-RIBERA PUCHADES (AP2010-4400) (Generalitat Valenciana)

Director: José Bonet Solves, Camen Fernández Rosell and Antonio Galbis

Period: 2012-2015

Phd-Student: Alejandro Mas Mas

University: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Director: Dragan Vukotic Jovsic

Period: 2016-2017

Phd-Student: Iason Efraimidis

University: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Director: Dragan Vukotic Jovsic

Period: 2013-2017

Phd-Student: Irina Arévalo Barco

Project: MTM2012-37436-C02-02

Director: Dragan Vukotic Jovsic

Period: 2013-2017

Phd-Student: Ángel Arroyo

Project: MTM2011-24606

Director: José González Llorente

Period: 2013-2017

Phd-Student: Israel Rivero

Project: MTM2012-30748

Director: Carlos Pérez

Period: 2012-2015

Phd-Student: Carmen Zaragoza-Berzosa

Project: MTM2011-23164

Director: Óscar Blasco

Period: 2011-2014

Phd-Student: Daniel José Rodríguez Luis

Project: MTM2010-16679

Director: Eva A. Gallardo Gutiérrez

Period: 2010-2013

Phd-Student: Daniel Seco

Project: MTM2008-00145

Director: Artur Nicolau

Period: 2009-2013

Phd-Student: Noel Merchán Álvarez

Director: Daniel Girela Álvarez

Period: 2014-2018

Phd-Student: Xavier Barrachina i Civera

University: Universitat Politècnica de València

Director: J. Alberto Conejero and Alfred Peris

Period: 2009-2014

Phd-Student: Marina Murillo Arcila

Project: MTM 2013-47093-P

Director: Alfred Peris

Period: 2014-2018

Phd-Student: Alejandro Mas Mas

Director: Dragan Vukotic Jovsic

Period: 2017-2020

Phd-Student: Miguel Monsalve López

University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Director: Eva A. Gallardo Gutiérrez

Period: February 2017- January 2021

Project: MTM2017 -85666-P

Title: Probabilistic and geometrical aspects of function theory

Contact: Artur Nicolau, José González Llorente, UAB

Abstract: We present a Research Project in an area where Classical Analysis interacts with Stochastic Processes and Partial Differential Equations, organized in three sections.


1. Dyadic martingales and the Zygmund Class. We plan to describe the closure of the space of Lipschitz functions in the Zygmund class and its discrete analogue which concerns the closure of bounded dyadic martingales in the space of martingales with bounded jumps. A version of Kolmorogorov's Law of the Iterated Logarithm for the oscillation of functions in the Besov space will also be considered.

2. The p-Laplace Equation. We propose several open problems related to p-harmonic functions and its associated mean value property, like the unique continuation problem, the optimal regularity for p-harmonic and infinity-harmonic functions, the asymptotic mean value property for the p-laplacian and the existence of functions satisfying certain nonlinear mean value properties in the euclidean space or the more general setting of measure metric spaces.

3. The Nevanlinna Class. Several spectral problems, as the description of the Hidden Spectrum and the Weak Embedding Property introduced by N. Nikoslki, in the context of the Nevanlinna class will be considered. Weighted approximation problems in the Nevanlinna class can be understood as natural analogues of the Garnett-Jones problem which is one of the main open problems in the area. Finally, dynamic properties of inner functions and its relation to the geometric location of its critical points, will be studied. In particular we will try to describe the critical points of inner functions which lie in Hardy-Sobolev spaces.

Project: MTM2017-83499-P

Title: Holomorphic function spaces and point processes

Contact: Carme Cascante, Joaquim Ortega Cerdà, UB

Abstract: The project has two main lines of research: one is centered in classical function theory problems and operator theory, mostly in functions of several complex variables. The other is a relatively new line. We use techniques of complex analysis, mainly exploiting the structure of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of some function spaces defined on manifolds, to define processes of points with good statistical properties. We plan to pursue both research lines and explore their potential interactions.

Phd-Student: Adrián Llinares Romero

University: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Director: Dragan Vukotic Jovsic

Period: 2017-2021