Universidad de Sevilla

Basic information


You can find all the information about the Doctoral Program here


General Information about the Doctoral Program

  • Level: Doctorate
  • Designation: Ciencias y Tecnologías Físicas (RD 99/2011)
  • University: Sevilla
  • Responsible center: Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad de Sevilla (EIDUS)
  • Center where it is offeredFacultad de Física
  • Date of publication of the Program in BOE: 15/11/2013
  • First academic year the Program was offered2013/2014
  • Type of education: In-person
  • ISCED 1: Ciencias Físicas (44) y Ingeniería y ramas de ingeniería (52)
  • ISCED 2: Física (441) y Electrónica y automatización (523)

Languages used in the Program: Spanish and English (when guest lecturers are present)

Program Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Antonio Prados Montaño
Address: Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Facultad de Física, Avda. Reina Mercedes S/N, 41012 Sevilla
e-mail: prados@us.es

Administrative Officer

Ms. Lola Palma Ledesma

Address: Decanato de la Facultad de Física, Avda. Reina Mercedes S/N, 41012 Sevilla
e-mail: ffisaog@us.es
Phone: +34 954 55 09 71
FAX: +34 954550969

Information related to the Centers/Locations where it is offered:

Universidad de Sevilla/Facultad de Física


Number of available places for new admissions per academic year and number of enrolled students

Academic year Offered places Enrollment
2023-2024 30 19
2022-2023 30 16
2021-2022 30 19
2020-2021 30 22
2019-2020 30 6
2018-2019 30 13
2017-2018 30 17
2016-2017 30 7
2015-2016 30 6
2014-2015 20 21
2013-2014 15 16