Universidad de Sevilla

Grants and Mobility

Information regarding doctoral grants

The doctoral programme does not have its own grants for execution of the doctorate. However, all the information regarding grants and scholarships at this level is available at the following link:



Grant holders associated with the research groups of the PS&T Programme

The research groups participating under the Doctoral Programme are beneficiaries of the following grants:

1) Álvaro Rodríguez Rivas: FPI grant 2010 (associated with the FIS2009-09326 project) 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2014.

2) Óscar Alan Rojas Gómez: a Pablo de Olavide grant (predoctoral bridging grant) 01/04/2013 - 31/05/2014.

3) Jesús Casal Berbel: FPU grant associated with the FQM-160 research group: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2016

4) Mario Gómez Ramos: FPU grant associated with the FQM-160 research group: 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2018.

5) Guillermo Megías Vázquez: grant under excellence project P11-FQM-7632 of the Andalusian Regional Government associated with the FQM-160 research group.

6) Jin Lei: grant from the People's Republic of China associated with the FQM-160 research group:

7) Jorge Lerendegui.

8) Lucía Sanchís.

9) Carlos Plata.

10) Carlos Vivo.

11) Sohail Asghar: I3P grant (CSIC) associated with the TIC-026 research group.

12) Reinier González Echevarría: University of Seville grant associated with the TIC-026 research group.

13) Manuel Velasco Jiménez: FPI grant associated with the TIC-026 research group.


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