Universidad de Sevilla

Research Plan

(Please, for further details consult the following link)

Research Plan:

1. Title of the Thesis.

2. Objectives:

2.1 Short Summary (3-4 lines, written for physicists and/or engineers but non-specialists).

2.2 General objectives of the work (2-3 one-sentence objectives).

2.3 Relevance of the work (Scientific, Technological, and/or Societal Challenges

3. Methodology:

3.1. Specific objectives, related to the general objectives mentioned above.

3.2. Indicate tasks to be carried out. Indicate also which collaborators (from your group, or
other institutions) will have relevant contribution to these tasks. Indicate if stays in other
institutions are foreseen for these tasks.

4. Resources:

4.1 Personnel resources: Thesis supervisors, and other key collaborations. (Quantify their
dedication to your project, as a percentage of their full-time dedication. Include also your
own dedication, which is 100% if you are full-time, or 50% if you are part-time).

4.2- Material resources: Equipment accessible for the work (computing, laboratories,
access to large infrastructures).

4.3- Funding (your own research grant or contract, and also participation of your group in
research projects or contracts that are relevant for your thesis .)

4.4. Skills acquired. This is your personal capital, which is enhanced through the
development of the project. Indicate Language skills, Computing skills, Technical ski lis
(use of special instrumentation), Management skills (management of budgets, contracts
with providers, report writing ... ), Inter-personal skills (interaction with academics,
technicians, administration, students, foreign people). This aspect is crucial for future job
interviews, so it is very useful that you are aware of how your human capital increases
over the years of your project.

5. Time Planning:
Indicate Milestones (key results that can redefine the projects, such as a measurement
performed or a theoretical problem solved), and Deliverables (tangible output such as
reports, computer codes made available, prototypes constructed). Indicate the time
(Month, Year) where you plan to have these deliverables and milestones. Notice that, as
you update yearly your plan, you will have to justify whether milestones and deliverables
happened on time, or they were delayed, or changed altogether. So be realistic on your
