Universidad de Sevilla

Monitoring and Supervision

The general requirements regarding organisation of the Doctoral Programme are set out in the Doctoral study regulations of the University of Seville (Agreement 7.2/CG 17-6-11)





1. Doctoral students admitted and enrolled in a doctoral programme will be considered as researchers undergoing training and will be enrolled annually at the University of Seville. In the case of joint programmes with other universities, the agreement between them shall determine the manner in which their enrolment is carried out.

2. Doctoral students shall request their admission to a doctoral programme using the corresponding form sent to the programme coordinator within the deadline established in the doctoral studies enrolment calendar. The academic committee of the programme will be responsible for acceptance of applications. Acceptance of admission applications and assignment of tutors will be notified by the programme coordinator to the applicant and the unit responsible for management of doctoral studies at the University of Seville within 30 working days following the deadline for admission of applications. Once the acceptance has been notified, the doctoral students will be enrolled for annual periods. The enrolment will be carried out through the unit responsible for management of doctoral studies at the University of Seville as "academic tutoring under the doctorate" within the time limits established. Students enrolled under the doctoral programme that have not renewed their enrolment for a period of two years will be considered to have abandoned the programme. Within six months, the academic committee of the programme will appoint a thesis supervisor and inform doctoral students and the unit responsible at the University of Seville of the appointment.

3. Doctoral students will be associated for electoral and academic management purposes with the Department or Institute to which the tutor belongs. Within its budget availability, the Department or Institute shall provide the student with the necessary material resources in order to carry out the research under the doctoral thesis.

4. Enrolment for doctoral academic tutorship entitles students to use the necessary available resources to carry out their work and the full rights granted to doctoral students of the University of Seville.


The University of Seville has developed a Code of Best Practice outlining recommendations regarding thesis management and supervision.

