Universidad de Sevilla

Admission Criteria

Doctoral Program in Physical Sciences and Technologies

The criteria are adapted to the Verification Report of the Program.

Access to the Doctoral Programme requires a minimum score of 65 points, which may be obtained as follows:

  • 25 points Letter from a lecturer of the Doctoral Program expressing their interest in tutoring and/or supervising the research of the applicant.
  • Up to 50 points affinity of the qualification with the research lines of the Doctoral Program.
  • Up to 15 points academic record in accordance with the following formula:

Score = C 15


= 1 if the student holds a suitable Master's qualification.

= 0.8 if the student does not hold a suitable Master's qualification but is able to accredit similar degree studies equivalent to at least 300 ECTS credits that include research training credits.

C = average grade of the academic record in accordance with the scale. In the case of students holding a Master's qualification, only the grade of the Masters degree will be calculated.

  • Up to 3.75 points for knowledge of English, at the following levels:
  • C1 Certificate = 100% of points.
  • B2 Certificate = 75% of points.
  • B1 Certificate = 75% of points.

These levels must be accredited by way of an Official Certificate. TOEFL certification shall be deemed to be the equivalent of a B2 Certificate.

  • Up to 3.75 points professional and/or research experience, with the following sections and corresponding percentages:
  • University teaching = up to 20%.
  • Professional contracts = up to 20%.
  • Postgraduate grants = up to 20%.
  • Publications in journals = up to 20%.
  • Participation at conferences = up to 20%.

Each of these sections may be added up to the maximum (100%) if the quantitative or qualitative contributions are extraordinary in the opinion of the Committee.

  • Up to 2.5 points Other Merits, with the following sections and corresponding percentages:
  • Other qualifications = up to 20%.
  • Research grants = up to 20%.
  • Corporate internships = up to 20%.
  • Other languages = up to 20%.
  • Specialisation courses = up to 20%.

Each of these sections may be added up to the maximum (100%), if the quantitative or qualitative contributions are extraordinary in the opinion of the Committee.
