Organizing Committee:
Huelva University:
José Enrique García Ramos (chair)
Francisco Pérez Bernal
Ángel M. Sánchez Benítez
Sevilla University:
María Victoria Andrés Martín
Antonio Moro Muñoz
José Antonio Lay
Advisory Committee:
Prof. Juan Antonio Caballero (U. of Seville, Spain)Prof. Alberto Del Guerra (U. of Pisa, Italy)
Prof. Gilles de France (GANIL, France)
Prof. Iain Moore (U. of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Prof. Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo (TU. Darmstadt, Germany)
Prof. Angels Ramos (U. of Barcelona, Spain)
Prof. Silvia Lenzi (U. of Padova/INFN, Italy)
Prof. Dieter Schardt (GSI, Germany)
Prof. Piet Van Duppen (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
Prof. Dolores Cortina (IFIC-CSIC Spain)
Prof. Dario Vretenar (U, of Zagreb, Croatia)