La Rábida 2012

European Physical Society (EPS) Sponsored Conference

 todos 12


 todosdetras 12


It took place on September 2012, during one week, starting the 9th until the 13th of September at La Rábida Campus of the UNIA (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía), located in Huelva, Spain. 

In this edition, the following speakers covered topics in both basic concepts and applications of Nuclear Physics.

  • Prof.  Alberto Del Guerra. University of Pisa (Italy)

    Topic: "The use of Nuclear Physics and HEP Detectors in Medicine"

  • Prof. Waclaw Gudowski. KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). 

    Topic: "Transmutation of nuclear wastes : Accelerator Driven Systems

    and Reactors"

  • Prof. Ruprecht Machleidt.University of Idaho  (U.S.). 

    Topic: "Nuclear forces"

  • Prof. Gabriel Martínez Pinedo. GSI (Germany). 

    Topic"Supernovae and the origin of heavy elements"

  • Prof. David J. Rowe. University of Toronto (Canada).  

    Topic: "Fundamentals of Nuclear Models"

  • Prof. Piet Van Duppen.KU Leuven (Belgium). 

    Topic: "Nuclear structure research using radioactive beams"

The number of registered PhD students and postdocs was around 60 coming from very different countries: Spain, Portugal, France, UK, Italy, Germany, Greece, Poland, Rusia, Ukraina, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Brazil. In the particular case of Spain, participants came from 11 different Universities and Research Centers, covering basically all institutions where active nuclear physics groups are working.

The proceedings were published by AIP and can be found in:













