La Rábida 2022


In this edition, the following speakers covered topics in both basic concepts and applications of Nuclear Physics.

  • Dr. Arnau Ríos. University of Barcelona (Spain)

    Topic: "Neutron stars"

  • Dr. Caterina Michelagnoli. Institut Laue-Langevin (France).

    Topic: "Nuclear Structure studies using high-resolution techniques"

  • Dr. Denis Lacroix. Institute de Physique Nucléaire Orsay (France)

    Topic: "Quantum computing in Nuclear Physics"

  • Dr. Eleonora Viezzer. University of Seville (Spain).

    Topic: "Nuclear fusion, ITER"

  • Dr. Karl Johston. ISOLDE/ CERN (Switzerland).

    Topic: "Application of radioactive beams"

  • Dr. María José G. Borge.  Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC (Spain).

    Topic: "Beta decay"

  • Dr. Thomas Neff. GSI (Germany).

    Topic: "Exotic clusters in nuclei"