Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería - Universidad de Sevilla

Título: "Event-triggered and time-triggered hybrid controls for switched affine systems: applications to power converters"

impartida por la profesora Carolina Albea,

Universidad de Toulouse. 

Día 28 de enero de 10 a 12 en el aula 009. 

Breve resumen: Switched Affine Systems (SASs) are encountered in many applications including DC-DC power conversion, biochemical networks, aerospace and urban traffic. These systems are characterized by the fact there is not a common equilibrium with the consequence that asymptotic stabilization of a desired functioning point is not possible with finite switching rates (uniform dwell time). 

This seminar will present stabilization methods of such a class of systems via a hybrid dynamical paradigm. The advantages of this framework relies on the possibility to account for the full continuous/discrete nature of SASs. More especially, it allows to represent in a consistent and elegant manner controllers with periodic as well as aperiodic updates, driving to a time-triggered and event-triggered controls. 

 An event-triggered control  strategy under a HDS paradigm is designed for SASs based on a Lyapunov matrix-based min-projection. This innovative and relevant solution is applicable to power converters, which reduces switching, while increasing the life of these systems and reducing the energy dissipated. 

In many occasions, the control law has to be periodically updated in a time-triggered method, as it is generally encountered in electronics applications. A new paradigm different to the Lyapunov matrix-based min-projection control is developed, a free-matrix based control law, providing some advantages compared with other control results. 

Perfil:  Carolina Albea Sánchez completed an international thesis between the University of Seville (Spain) and the University of Grenoble (France), about advanced control laws for power converters. After her PhD defended in 2010, her researches continued with a post-doctoral contract at Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in France, working on developing network controllers for Systems on Chips, being composed of different time dynamics. Then, she joined the University of Toulouse 3-Paul Sabatier (France) in 2011 and the research laboratory, Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS-CNRS), as associated professor. Her main research topics include hybrid control of switched systems, hybrid dynamical systems applications, control of electronic converters and distributed control. Currently, she enjoys of a Sabbatical year in the Dpt. of Engineering of Systems and Automatic at Seville University.

Título: Optimal Modulation and Control of Power Conversion Systems

Conferenciante: Ricardo Aguilera
Afiliación: Senior Lecture, University of Technology Sydney

Fecha: 14/11/2019
Hora: 10:00
Duración: 2 horas
Lugar: Aula 008, ETSI

Power converters have been in constant development not only to obtain new favourable topologies, but also to improve control techniques used. In this latter field, Model Predictive Control (MPC) has emerged as a promising control technique for power converters and drives. In this presentation, recent predictive control formulations to govern power converters are presented. Moreover, some directions on how to include modulators into the optimal control problem are given. These predictive control approaches are part of the research carried out by the author which exploit the theory behind MPC to obtain advantageous controllers for power converters.

La cátedra Alter-Universidad de Sevilla organiza un concurso de ideas para proyectos en “Efectos de la Radiación en la Electrónica”

¿A quién va dirigido?

Estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla de cualquier titulación.

¿Cómo puedo participar?

Enviar un correo electrónico con archivo (pdf) adjunto explicando la idea del proyecto y su planteamiento de ejecución a "Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.". El asunto debe ser “Concurso de Ideas: Efectos de la Radiación en la Electrónica”

Fecha límite:

Antes del 20 de Noviembre.

¿Cuál es el premio?

A las dos mejores propuestas se les premiará con la matrícula gratuita (valorada en 400€) al curso “SERESSA 2019” School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications (2-5 Diciembre en Sevilla).
Dependiendo del alcance y calidad del proyecto, se podrán ofrecer becas remuneradas a realizar en Alter Technology para la ejecución del proyecto presentado.



The ETSI (US) Electronic Technology Department, in collaboration with the ALTER-US Cátedra, has organized this first seminar within the Seville University to discuss several topics on the negative effect of the harsh environments into the different electronics. This year we will focus the attention on several radiation effects aspects in different scenarios, research, high energy physics and space.
Date: Tuesday 5 November 2019 (16:30- 18:30).
Location: Sala de Juntas (Planta Ático). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (Universidad de Sevilla). Camino de los Descubrimientos, s/n. 41092 Sevilla
- Dan Friedlander
Ex Head of Components Engineering. MBT/Israeli Aerospace Industries. Space Radiation Hazards, Radiation Hardness Assurance when using COTS.
- Rogelio Palomo
Universidad de Sevilla. Radiation hardening by design
- Gonzalo Fernández
Technical Advisor and Procurement Quality Director. Alter Technology Cátedra Alter-US.

Announce of the seminar:  DOCUMENT PDF



La comisión académica de nuestro programa de doctorado ha acordado los siguientes requisitos mínimos para que pueda ser admitida a trámite la defensa de una tesis. Es necesario que el doctorando acredite:
- El haber publicado al menos en una revista indexada en el Journal Citation Reports. 
- El haber presentado personalmente una comunicación en un congreso internacional.  
Ambos requisitos serán también de aplicación en el caso de los doctorados industriales.